JSP Checklist and Council Locator
2001 National Jamboree JSP Checklist and Council Locator
This list is designed to help you locate anyone in a troop as long as you know the name of the council to which they belong. The troops from the Northeast Region are located in Sub-camps 1 through 5 and Sub-camp 20. The Western Region troops are located in Sub-camps 6 through 9 and Sub-camp 20. Central Region troops are located in Sub-camps 10 through 14 and Sub-camp 20. The South Central Region troops are in Sub-camps 15 through 20. Sub-Camp 20 is the Sub-Camp set up to meet the demand by the scouts to attend the 2001 Jamboree. This camp has scouts from all the regions.
This is a complete list of every council in the Boy Scouts of America. Next to each council name is a pair of parenthesis. Inside the parenthesis are the number of known JSP's issued by the council and the number of Order of the Arrow items issued by the Lodge from that council. Following this information are the known Jamboree troops attending from that council. In a few cases information is missing because there was not enough time to obtain it.
Included in the file below is the 2001 National Jamboree JSP Checklist and Council Locator. Hold down your shift key and click on the link to download the file and open with either WordPerfect or MS Word.
Additions and corrections are welcome. Email Albert Hoogeveen
2001 Jamboree JSP Checklist and Council Locator - WordPerfect Format
2001 Jamboree JSP Checklist and Council Locator - MS Word Format
2001 Jamboree JSP Checklist and Council Locator - Adobe PDF Format
Updated: 21 August 2001